David Irving is an evil, evil man.

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Yes, he is.

Go ahead and sue, Irving. I wrote this in America, so you have to do it here. You’re on record as a liar, our judges will take “judicial notice” that the Holocaust happened, so you can’t make it your cause, and we don’t give breaks to pro se attorneys.

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Jeannine: You said it exactly right!

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The trouble with Holocaust deniers is that they often don't realize that the Nazis documented everything they did concerning concentration camps. They thought that they were going to be heroes of the Thousand Year Reich, and they wanted their actions to be documented so that their place in history would be secured for the duration of the German Reich.

Holocaust deniers, like people who believe in a flat earth, don't care about proof or the mountain of evidence against their own view point. They will not change their position concerning what happened during WWII because, for them, facts are irrelevant. Yet they demand proof from others that the Holocaust did happen.

Those who believe that the Holocaust didn't happen should be the ones who have to have to prove their point. They should have to carry the burden of proof. People like David Irving may have an audience of like-minded people, but they should be held accountable for their spread of misinformation and exposed as the charlatans they are.

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They also want to be, as I wrote, connected to an organization and movement that IS capable of such massive destruction and fields such incredible power.

You look at the lives of today’s neo-Nazis and they are tawdry, pathetic, and sad. The organizers are wearied by the endless, repetitious, and failed task of doing so, and the followers are often at the bottom of the pit, trapped in a world of drugs, crime, ill-education, and personal dysfunction.

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Hitler had the advantage of hijacking the pre-existing bureaucracy of the Weimar Republic, and having a civil service that loved to push paperwork on everything. There were a lot of highly educated people in the German government that got the job done.

I very much agree that the current neo-Nazi and far right movements have no concept as to how hard it is to create a bureaucracy that's necessary to get governmental work done. Even Trump doesn't understand the need for a bureaucracy that is non-partisan; which is one reason he's such a bad businessman.

It really does take a special type of person to file 100 copies of form A1-Beb-UghT67 each day, every day that they work, and to put up with the people who have to fill out the form to begin with, and to follow up with the people who get copies of the filled out form. And you need thousands of people just like this in government. The neo-Nazis just don't have the capability to organize this type of government and make it work.

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Not to mention that the neo-Nazi movement is filled with alcoholics, drug dealers, kleptomaniac criminals, and the mentally ill...none of whom could become bureaucrats.

Sadistic concentration camp guards...yes, though.

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Most neo-Nazis are followers rather than leaders. They are very weak mentally and emotionally. They like being bullies, but once they experience some pushback, they fall apart and need others to bail them out of their problems. While governments might include such people, you cannot form a government with such people.

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That is exactly right.

“The Racist Mind,” by Dr. Raphael Ezekiel, is fascinating on that subject.

He spent time with a neo-Nazi group in Detroit, and saw their shallowness, hypocrisy, callowness, stupidity, bullying, and weakness.

They are incapable of doing anything more than holding a small rally, surrounded by riot cops.

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I've had the pleasure of egging a Klan rally in California back in the day. :) They really do expect people to just start following them because of a small rally. They don't know what to do in the face any any real pushback, more so if police are not there to protect them.

I'm paying attention to the after effects of Trump's conviction in New York. So far no act of violence in response to the conviction, but a lot of angry rhetoric by the usual suspects. The far right want to rule, but they don't know the first thing about governing.

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